4 thoughts on “April 2nd

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      You reassure us.
      We were very affected by the death of Minou, the Siamese who had come to live with us. He had quickly got used to returning every evening. Except that one evening he did not return. He had been run over by an automobile 20 meters from our home.
      Frimousse too would have wanted to wander all day and return only in the evening. But where we live now, all cats are run over. They rarely live until they are 5 years of age!
      Then Frimousse lived (almost) free, with a territory including the house and the garden. The same for Tigri. For RouXy, it was more complicated. But paradoxically his severed leg probably saved him life and allowed to reach the age of 16.
      I am happy that your three kittens do not have the idea to go far from your house.

      Tu nous rassures.
      Nous avons été marqués par la mort de Minou, le siamois qui était venu habituer avec nous. Il avait rapidement pris l’habitude de rentrer tous les soirs. Sauf qu’un soir il n’est pas rentré. Il avait été écrasé par une auto à 20 mètres de chez nous.
      Frimousse aurait lui aussi voulu vagabonder et ne rentrer que le soir. Mais là où nous habitons maintenant, tous les chats se font écraser. Ils atteignent rarement 5 ans !
      Alors Frimousse a vécu (presque) libre, avec un territoire comprenant la maison et le jardin. Pareil pour Tigri. RouXy, c’était plus compliqué. Mais paradoxalement sa patte coupée lui a probablement sauvé la vie et permis d’atteindre l’âge de 16 ans.
      Je suis heureux que tes trois minets n’aient pas l’idée de partir loin de la maison.

  1. Hairballs and Hissyfits

    I never let Zulu or Frodo out unless I am a few feet away and I watch them closely. Amarula was a stray when I found her in South Africa and she refuses to stay inside but she always stays close to the house and we have no busy roads near us!

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      RouXy never went very far. But there’s a road right in the centre of the village and it is very busy in particular when the weather is fine. Because of tourists. Icy snow was good because motorists drive slower. Not to avoid running over cats, of course! But they do care for their “bunch of sheet steel”!


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